Inspiring World





Fire Fighter and a Nationally Registered EMT-Paramedic (NREMT-P) for the city of Milwaukee

Dennis Kowalski is a Fire Fighter and a Nationally Registered EMT-Paramedic (NREMT-P) for the city of Milwaukee. He is also certified in advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), advanced pediatric life support (PALS), and as a CPR Instructor for the American Heart Association. As a Fire Fighter and Paramedic Dennis has had a lot of experience dealing with life and death. His training and skills have given him numerous opportunities to be a part of saving lives while helping others in great distress. In addition to his day job, he also teaches emergency medicine at the Milwaukee Fire Academy and the Milwaukee County Emergency Medical Center. He also works special events as a paramedic with the Bradley Center Sports Arena. He has been a National Registry examiner at the local technical colleges where he helped to certify many new Emergency Medical Technicians & Paramedics. As for problem solving under pressure, he has managed and set up emergency triage at mass casualty incidents. He feels that his knowledge & experience in emergency medical services will make him a vital asset to CI’s board of directors and he is eager to share what he has learned as a bridge between conventional emergency medicine and cryonics.

Dennis was raised in a small suburb outside of Milwaukee. In 1986 he proudly took home the golden gloves title in boxing. In 1987, he served in the US Marine Corps on a special assignment to Alpha company 3rd Reconnaissance. There he held a secret clearance in communications and intelligence gathering. In 1991, he went to the University of Waukesha to study philosophy and operations. There he received training in budgeting, finance, marketing and was awarded several citations for revenue generating suggestions and proposals.

Dennis has volunteered for many charitable causes to include USMC toys for tots, Disabled American Veterans, and currently Project Staying Alive an urban initiative to teach children the alternatives to violence. He also works with the FOCUS & Survive programs designed to educate the community about fire safety and prevention. He has served on committees for Equal Employment Opportunity, Quality Control, MPO Sportsman club, Wisconsin Mycological Society and as a political action volunteer. He also is a member of the Cato Institute a public policy research organization dedicated to the principles of individual liberty. He is happily married to his wife Maria. They have 3 young boys, a dog and a cat.

Dennis’s goals are to see positive growth and stability in CI membership. He’d like to see local support groups formed to promote comradeship, marketing and emergency response. He would also like to continue to provide solutions into the various challenges and problems facing cryonics today and into the future. Advocating for Cryonics and Nanomedicine are essential to his philosophy. As someone dedicated to helping others, he sees advancements in these technologies as the logical conclusion to the quest for prosperity and longevity. Dennis has also served as CI’s president for the 3 terms. Since his term he has overseen many positive changes and continued growth and strength in our membership. If you approve of the job he is doing please cast your vote for him this election.

astronomy. Science has always been and continues to be a great love of his. From 1991 to 2003 he worked with the US postal service where he supervised distribution and